Monday, February 19, 2007

Hello Everyone.

My name is Miss Scarlett and I couldn't be more excited to be here!

I had the good fortune to stumble upon Harry Potter and The Philopsher's Stone before the book was a sensation. I picked it up to read with the school aged children at my Daycare and while they weren't interested (that is a sad story) I was thoroughly hooked. I have read all of the books and am looking forward to reading them again in preparation for the final book. (I am torn - I am ready for the series to conclude, but I wish that we could follow everyone on and on...sigh)

As to my favourite of the novels...I think I would have to say it is The Goblet of Fire. Things are getting darker, much darker by the end, but it is before Harry becomes a snarky brat -- yep, I had a hard time with him in OtP. I found the ending of this book to be the saddest and most moving. Being able to see and speak to his parents. Diggory's tragic death. Sigh...

I was especially upset with the way Harry treats Dumbledore in OtP. Dumbledore's conversation with him at the end of the book - he broke my heart when he explained why he didn't make Harry prefect.

My favourite movie is the 1st. The music, Dumbledore, the brickwall opening into Diagon Alley, the Gryffindor common room, the Great Hall, Hagrid, Hedwig. I do love Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort - I think they have done a brilliant job with the casting in general. Don't even get me started on how fond I am of Severus Snape...

Despite being a diehard Snape-is-good fan, I have been sorted into Ravenclaw. Which fits me to a t. I have always been fascinated by Ravens, in fact I am First Nations and the Raven is my totem animal.

I bought my wool today to begin my Ravenclaw House Scarf. I hope to cast on this week. Pictures to come.

Oh and I do have a knitting blog - come on over: Knittnfool.


Emily said...

Welcome to the blog! I'm right there with you on Goblet being my favorite and I felt the same way about Harry at first reading of the OotP. Until I recalled I was a pretty snarky teenager myself and I wasn't even expected to do in the Dark Lord... ;-)
Eventually OotP grew on me, to the point of being a close second favorite, especially due to the second to last chapter 'The Only One He Never Feared." I can't read that and not shiver!
Looking forward to pics of the scarf!

Ann said...

Welcome fellow Snape-is-good Ravenclaw member!
Ravens are amazing birds. Diane Rehm had a guy who has written a book on them on her show in the past few months. It was very interesting - all about their history with humans and such.
Very intelligent birds. JK knew what she was doing when she named it Ravenclaw.
Always good to have another Snape is innocent believer.