Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The JK Rowling Open Book Tour Sweepstakes
I've mentioned my HP crazed sister in past posts. I've knitted her several hats, scarves and little HP related stuffed animals.
Well she won one of the 1,000 tickets to go see JK Rowling speak at Carnegie Hall in NYC on October 19th at 7PM. Click on the Click Here in the box to the right of the box with the picture of Jo to see the list of confirmed names. She is listed under OH, Allison, Age 27.
To say that Allison is over the moon with excitement is an understatement. You can read more about it, including who she is taking with her on this adventure sadly it's not me, over at my knitting blog In Knitting News. Please stop by and congratulate her in the comments!

Here is a recent picture of her beloved Harry Potter bookshelf often referred to as 'The Shrine.' It's filled with all sorts of fun books, toys, book boxes, pictures, a film reel of HP4, a set of the British stamps, calendars, and multiple handmade HP items, even a pillow made from a party napkin by a friend.
I'm so very happy for my sister.
Happy knitting everyone.
*UPDATE 10/23/07*
Yes Allison and Nicholas were there and they had a fabulous time. Allison is currently compiling what she has dubbed the MANIFESTO a scrapbook of sorts detailing her experience. I will be posting her write up on my blog when it is ready.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
WINNERS! After a very long time... and an apology
A big congratulations to Lindsay, who did brilliantly with her Dark Mark scarf, which she not only knitted, but wrote the pattern for. Talk about impressive! By far and away our winner, Lindsay should get in touch with me ( for her lovely prizes.
And while Lindsay swept the contest, we couldn't ignore runner-up Just a Knit Wit, who's exciting and hilarious Woolly Voldemort series kept us tuning in weekly. If you didn't read them check here for Parts One, Two, Three, and Four. JaKW, you're going to get a little something too!
Thanks to everyone for participating in Part Two of our Harry Finished Projects Contest! All the entries were fantastic.
Also, a quick apology to all Snape apologists. I should have listened. I should have trusted. I should have believed Dumbledore. "The Prince's Tale" in this final book was close to undoing me. The final chapter with Albus Severus certainly did. Much appreciation to all the Snape fans who never did believe the *hype*. You folks stood up against a world of disbelievers, of which I was certainly one, and you should be proud.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Phoenix Feathers!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Final Contest Submissions
KnitWhit's Wizard's Hat.
Cheryl's Gryffindor socks.
Treesh's Gryffindor top, Slytherin top, Hufflepuff top, her Gryffindor pets, Baby Hedwig, Trevor the Toad, and Crookshanks and her Phoenix Tears scarf, all found here.
Lindsay's Dark Mark Illusion scarf.
Janet's Hufflepuff scarf.
Just a Knit Whit's Woolly Voldemort.
Birdwell's Hogwarts House Bracelets.
Mandy's Golden Snitch.
Karen's Sheldon the Turtle.
Scarves for all Seasons (a.k.a. Karen A)'s Slytherin Socks, Gryffindor socks, or Hufflepuff socks.
Please vote for your favorite in our sidebar poll! Voting will be up from now, Tues, 7/31 through Sat, 8/4. Or, knowing this KAL host, voting will be up at least that long ;-).
Good luck!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Dateline! J.K.! Spoilers Galore!
Birdy's book and write my Spoiler in the comments instead and continue discussion here, especially after watching the Dateline interview with J.K. Hope to keep the talk alive!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Pick a Winner
KnitWhit's Wizard's Hat.
Treesh's Gryffindor top, Slytherin top, Hufflepuff top, her Gryffindor pets, Baby Hedwig, Trevor the Toad, and Crookshanks and her Phoenix Tears scarf, all found here.
(I think each top will be counted as its own entry but the pets will be grouped together as one on the poll- how does that sound Treesh?)
Lindsay's Dark Mark Illusion scarf.
Janet's Hufflepuff scarf.
Just a Knit Whit's Woolly Voldemort.
Birdwell's Hogwarts House Bracelets.
(I grouped these as one- does that work for you, Birdy?)
Mandy's Golden Snitch.
Karen's Sheldon the Turtle.
Scarves for all Seasons (a.k.a. Karen A)'s Slytherin Socks, Gryffindor socks, or Hufflepuff socks.
(These I grouped together as one- is this alright, SfaS?)
Also, as I was pulling pictures of Karen A's socks (and I'm so sorry, Karen, for your troubles this year- I'm glad we still had some of your pictures here), I saw many completed projects that weren't put for submissions in the last two weeks. If you have something you would like added to this list, I ask you to do a new post, with a picture, with a few lines about pattern and why you did it. Right now it's Saturday in the AM, so why don't we say all these submissions should be put up by Sunday night? So when Monday morning comes around, I'll make sure everyone who should have a submission is on here and we'll put up a poll. How does that work?
And if you'd like to change how you're submissions are grouped you can: 1)comment here 2) email me at or 3)comment on my blog.
Hope this looks good to everyone!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Entries for Contest
Hufflepuff Dress socks
Gryffindor Dress Socks
Slytherin Dress Socks
started Ravenclaw Dress Socks.
These were all in various extra large mens size (15 double e, 11, and 10)
Thats for a wonderful time and fun blog.
karen a
hufflepuff house
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
For Your Consideration
I will be putting together a final blog with all the submitted entries. If you've not posted (in the last ten days) your submission for the second half of the KAL, please do so at once!
In the meantime, here's a new poll for your voting pleasure. And please, get busy on Birdwell's brilliant discussion post. Thank you Birdy!
Most Dangerous Stunt
So towards the end of the show the girl steps forward and announces "I will now perform our MOST DANGEROUS STUNT!!" Walking off stage, she returns with Deathly Hallows in hand. "I will read... the last page!"
It was a joke, of course, and everyone did exactly what they were supposed to do, scream and cover their ears and yell and stomp.
The head of the group runs forward, grabs the book away and says "Umm... that one's a bit TOO dangerous. Lets just juggle the knives again."
HP Boxed Set
What I really want is the British versions of the books. So I've been checking and I see that in October a boxed set is also coming out, but they don't as yet have any pictures.
Does anyone know what the differences are between the adult versions and the children's versions? I didn't see any references to those differences on the HP Lexicon so I was wondering if they just had different cover art.
Monday, July 23, 2007
So I'm Curious...
Were they real?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Book Discussion
If you have already read the book and ARE DYING to talk about it: reply in the comments. If you're not finished--don't read the comments!
Let us begin!!
I'm Very Pleased with Book 7
When I got back to the hotel I stayed up reading til 5:30, took a nap, and and finished the book by 10:30. I LOVED the book, it answered so many questions and was really brilliantly done. I read as slowly as possible, savoring every word, and was sorry when I finished it. So I read it again. I'll probably read it yet again, soon.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
HP Sheldon

Designer: Ruth Homrighaus
Size: Just Right for My Sister's Harry Potter Gallery
Yarn: Knit Pick's Wool of the Andes in Hollyberry and Daffodil.
Needles: size 3 dpns and size 4 circs
Started April 3, 2007
Finished April 14, 2007
I would like to share the HP Sheldon I knitted back in April for my HP crazed sister but did not post to the KAL for Contest #2. His nose turned out a bit pointy but in person he is quite adorable. It's so cute how his shell is removable. He lives with the other HP inspired knits showcased in my sister's bookshelf of HP artifacts.
Just finished the book about an hour ago. You will find no spoilers here. Really looking forward to reading what everyone has to say about the book.
Happy reading and knitting everyone!
I'm Not Spoiling, I Promise!
Yes, I realize you can't see me very well in this photo. It's 7:00 in the morning, and I haven't fixed my hair. Deal with it.
Now, Andy and I had made an "agreement", that he would watch the kids all day so I could read. I have suspicions that Andy has some goblin blood, because he "watched" the kids all day by playing 10 games of settlers (on-line game) while the kids climbed in my lap as I tried to read. Thankfully, as family members will attest, I have an amazing ability to ignore catastrophic happenings while engrossed in a book. (My brother once piled all the dining room chairs over me while I was reading; when I finished my book, I looked up to discover I was trapped in a mountain of furniture. Never noticed a thing.)
When I finished the book at 3:30 this afternoon (yes, it took me a little longer than the last book that came out. I was trying to savor the story . . .) I looked up to discover . . . .
All in just 7 short hours. When Andy emerges from reading the book I'm gonna kill him. It's a good thing he bought me more bottles of gin and tonic while he was "babysitting".
Anyone Finished Yet?
I am sitting here groggy and tinking back my MS3, pondering if I should re-read The Deathly Hallows just for kicks.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Contest #2
Hogwarts House Bracelets

Bracelets for three of the Hogwarts Houses. I lost my red floss for Gryffindor and I hadn't the time to go out and buy more. Also the pattern needed a lot of tweaking. But the other houses are well represented. I really love how the Slytherin bracelet came out. They are all knitted with DMC Perl 5 cotton on size 0 dpns.
Also I am making (like I mentioned before) a Hogwarts Unity bracelet, but I don't know if I can get it finished before midnight (I may finish knitting it but not blocked by then and blocking really shows the lace). But here's a preview...I'll post pictures of it tomorrow once it's finished.

You can barely see the yellow topaz crystal I used but trust me it's there. LOL. I actually only have two or three repeats but I have something to go to tonight, so no knitting time...pfft.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Drinking Too Much Butterbeer
Does any one have plans for a Harry Potter read all night party? Since I still have to parent the next day (hubby has to work) I am going to sustain myself with Butterbeer for that all import sugar rush.
Weasley's Swamp Star Pillow
I wanted to post pics of the yarn I received for winning the trivia contest and what I did with it.

(Pictures are clickable for enlargement).
I received two beautiful skeins of Waikiki yarn with Slytherin-green colors. This first picture shows one whole skein and one star made from the other skein.
Since I crochet, I decided to make 2 stars and then join them togther (with a black lining and batting inside), to form a pillow. (It could also be used as a sachet as well).

The colors reminded me of a swamp. Especially the mossy green. I added two buttons in that color to the centers of the star pillow on each side. So, in honor of the fabulous Weasley twins swamp created in the halls of Hogwarts, (much to Umbridge's dismay), I named it the Weasley's Swamp Star Pillow.
I really love it and I want to thank Emily for the yarn.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Contest #2 Entry
On a side note I have noticed that each house color paired with a precious metal: gold, silver, bronze, and coal(?)--now I am assuming that coal is being considered a metal--just by all the other pairing...what are y'alls thoughts on this?
Should I use topaz or obsidian?
Monday, July 16, 2007
Contest #2 Entry
Contest #2 entry

I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I've been so excited to see that other people are knitting it too :)
Contest #2 Entries
So I have several projects finished for the second part of this KAL. I've posted about all these FO's as I completed them, but here is a recap.
First is the Yule Ball Wear. I've been taking ballroom dance lessons since September and I had wanted to make some things to wear for dancing. Then, as I was re-reading the books, it occurred to me that I could knit some ball attire inspired by the Yule Ball in Goblet of Fire. I saw that I had some wonderful silk/wool fiber that reminded me of some of the house colors and I made a set of three tops for Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. I had already made a tie for Ravenclaw for Contest #1 so I didn't make a Yule Ball top in those colors. I had purchased the fiber at the end of February, so I spun up all the yarn for all three tops before beginning to knit them.
Here are my three Yule Ball tops for Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff:

Then there are the Gryffindor pets. This started out because I found an adorable pattern for an owl and made a tiny owl that reminded me of Pigwidgeon. Thus began my journey into making Gryffindor pets. I next made a baby Hedwig, then a tiny little Trevor toad, and finally a fuzzy Crookshanks. I didn't use handspun for these - I either used scrap yarn or, in the case of Crookshanks, bought some yarn at my LYS.
Here they are:

As my last project, I decided to make something out of Charmed Knits, and the Phoenix Tears Scarf looked like a fun thing to knit. My LYS had what I thought was the perfect fuzzy yarn (Whisper by Crystal Palace) and I thought it would feel so nice and soft. So here is the Phoenix Tears Scarf.

There they all are - all my projects. You can read details about these and all my HP projects for this KAL here. I had a lot of fun and I can hardly wait until Saturday!
Contest #2 Entry
Sunday, July 15, 2007
OotP and Knitting/Crochet
End-of KAL Finished Project Contest!
The Second Big Contest is for any finished item, completed during this KAL that was not submitted in Contest One (if you don't remember if you submitted it click here for the list). The item must relate to the Harry Potter series and be knit or crochet. Please post a picture and a few lines about it on the blog.
All posts with pictures must be posted by July 19th (if you are a member of this blog, on the sidebar, but cannot post here, email your entry and pictures to me and I will post for you, A list of these entries will be complied into one post and up on the site on July 20th.
Then it's up to You! The Voter! to pick our winner. In place of our weekly question, we'll put up a poll to pick your favorite. Ann and I will provide a contributing vote/tie-breaker influence, but please, KAL members, pick our final winner!
We'll leave up the poll for five or six days and then announce the winner, hopefully no later than Sunday, the 29th. I won't be online until I've finished with Deathly Hollows and I'm betting a lot of you feel the same way, so we'll keep an eye on the poll and pull it when it appears a majority of the KAL have been able to vote. At least five or six days.
Have at it! Get to finishing! Start posting! Let's give this last contest before Harry our best!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Kim C
That's easy. It's Sirius Black--hands down. He's been my favorite character the whole time(at least since he really came into play in Azkaban). I have always been a sucker for the dark, tortured soul in a book and he fit the bill.
In Azkaban I loved how I spent most of the book worrying for Harry and then Sirius turned out to be on his side all along. After reading book three, I really started thinking about how Sirius' life situation shaped his character. He grew up in a wealthy, prominent, pureblood family. In my mind he had all the makings of a rich, spoiled brat. The fact that he left home and family as a teen really went against what I thought would be his character but it gave me an added measure of respect for him. The one thing I think his upbringing probably gave him was an arrogance--as evidenced by his antics with James while they were in school. His loyalty to his friend, James, was another thing that really cemented my love for him as a character.
I've always wondered how he would have turned out had he not spent 12 years in Azkaban. Can you even comprehend what spending that much time in a place like that would do to your mind? In many ways I'm sure he had stopped maturing when he went in--survival mode kicked in most definitely. Plus years of deprivation from other people and positive feelings--it's really got to destroy most of who you could have been. It's amazing to me that he was able to feel anything let alone the love he had for Harry.
I still hold out hope that one day JKR will write about the Mauraders(Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs)--that really seems like it would be a story worth telling :)
Jo "Celtic Memory Yarn"
It has to be Hagrid of course!
Big, gruff, lonely, loving, thoughtful, kind, ever careful of young people's feelings, utterly loyal to Hogwarts and those in whom he trusts, Hagrid is the kind of person we all wish we could run to when we're in trouble. And to make him perfect, he has his own passions and hobbies too, even if they are for creatures that only their mother (and Hagrid)could love.
Blast-ended Skrewts anybody?
I would have to say it's Mrs. Weasley.
She knits (or at least charms her needles to do so), raised 6 kids [Libby emailed me immediately after and said "Erm...I meant 7 kids. Apparently my counting skills have fallen by thewayside...which is bad in knitting, yes? :)"] and keeps everything in The Burrow in order. She wears fabulous mom clothes, and makes me want to have more kids, but only if I can have that
sweater and her magic skills :)
Plus, who DOESN'T love that clock?
Just a Knit Wit
My favorite character in the book is Voldemort. Aside from the necessity of there having to be a villain for the sake of the story, I think he's a wonderfully complex and well written character. He isn't just evil, like Lucius Malfoy is. He has a past history, flaws, strengths, quirks, beneath the evil façade he is still a man. A desperate man who is terrified of his own mortality and is willing to sacrifice himself to escape death, but a man nonetheless. At the same time he is charming, intelligent and strangely sympathetic to women. Consider that he tried actively to give Lily a chance to stand aside. Argued with her even. I doubt James was given the same options. And in OotP he rescued Bellatrix before escaping the ministry. Much like Snape's description of the Dark Arts in HBP, Voldemort himself is like a many headed hydra.
Johann, our Ravenclaw Ghost
I love Harry's mom, Lily, and Ginny Weasley, for very similar reasons,
but my favorite would have to be Remus Lupin.
Here is a man who was faced with the most extreme provication to turn
to evil, or at least handle things badly. You only have to look at
Greyback to see how bad he could have made things.
But he chose to do his best.
Granted, he's not living a really happy life, but he has managed to
help others while doing his best. The kids he taught at Hogwarts are
all better for knowing him. And now he's in the Order of the Phoenix.
I really hope he doesn't die in the next book, and I'd even like to
see him have some happiness with Tonks.
I've had some bad breaks over the last 12 years, and was dissappointed
that I hadn't been able to do a better job of turning them around. But
reading about Lupin and Greyback has made me realize that I'm not
all-powerful, and I could have done much worse. Others with my
problems have turned to drink and drugs. I turned to knitting. And I
realize I've done the best possible with the rotten hand I was dealt.
He's let me hold my head up again and keep going.
Thank you so much for all these great answers! I loved that a) we had no repeats b) we have such personal reasons for loving these characters and c) Deathly Hollows will be out in a week! Er- sorry- I'm just really excited.
Due to the number of responses and the fact there's no way to pick a winner, Ann and I decided to go with the tried and true method of names in a hat. The Hubba served as a non-partial judge and he withdrew the name:
Kim C!
I'll be changing some dates as we completely missed the Big Second Contest deadline. Anyone else notice, besides Johann (thanks for that Jo!)? This sort of inefficiency would never be condoned at Hogwarts! Though I will not drag my co-host into this, I can only say, I am the Gilderoy Lockhart of blogs. And I learned joined together writing for a reason.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I've gone and made my predictions at Mugglenet
Ron Weasley will...
Hermione Granger will...
Severus Snape will...
Lord Voldemort will...
Remus Lupin will...
Ginny Weasley will...
Molly Weasley will...
Arthur Weasley will...
Nymphadora Tonks will...
Something else
Luna Lovegood will...
Neville Longbottom will...
Something else
Minerva McGonagall will...
Peter Pettigrew will...
Bellatrix Lestrange will...
Draco Malfoy will...
Rubeus Hagrid will...
Fred Weasley will...
George Weasley will...
Charlie Weasley will...
Fleur Delacour will...
Harry Potter will...
Is RAB Regulus Black?
Is RAB alive?
Did RAB destroy the locket Horcrux?
Is Harry a Horcrux?
Will Harry and Ginny end up together?
Will Harry and Hermione end up together?
Will Ron and Hermione end up together?
Will Draco and Hermione end up together?
Snape loyalties lie with:
The Order
Will Draco Malfoy redeem himself?
Will Percy Weasley redeem himself?
Will Hogwarts re-open?
Assuming Hogwarts does re-open, will Harry return?
Assuming Harry does return, will he graduate?
Is Dumbledore really dead?
Assuming Dumbledore is dead, did he plan his death?
Is Sirius Black dead?
Will any of Luna's conspiracy theories be found to be true? (If yes, please include which ones at the end)
We won't find this out
Is/was Snape in love with Lily Potter?
Will Wormtail repay his life debt to Harry?
Was Wormtail present at Godric's Hollow the night Voldemort killed Harry's parents?
Who will be the squib/muggle who uses magic later in life?
Someone else
Is Harry the heir of Slytherin?
Will Dumbledore's Army re-form?
Will the Muggles ever discover the wizarding world?
Will we ever see the other side of the veil?
Will Neville be the student who gets a job as a Hogwarts professor after graduation, teaching herbology?
Will Hermione be Head Girl?
Will Ron be Head Boy?
Will Harry be Head Boy?
Will we see time travel in Book 7?
Did Voldemort ever fulfill his wish to make Horcruxes out of objects belonging to each Hogwarts' four founders?
Is Ollivander working for Voldemort?
Will Harry's scar disappear?
Does Voldemort have multiple spies in the Order?
Was the green potion Dumbledore drank in the cave the Draught of the Living Death?
Will Dumbledore's defeat of the dark wizard Grindlewald in 1945 be relevant?
Will Hagrid rekindle his romance with Madam Maxime?
Will Harry go through the veil?
Is the veil the gateway to the underworld?
Will we see the Mirror of Erised again?
Will McGonagall lead the Order of the Phoenix?
Will Voldemort ever realize his undying love for the giant squid?
Who will win the final battle?
Harry and the Order
In 500 words or less, describe what will happen in Deathly Hallows?
The trio have to hunt down all the horcruxes and destroy them, but they will have help. Snape will be loyal to Dumbledore. At some point Harry will end up at the Ministry, where he will finally figure out what's up with the veil, and why it harmed Sirius. Harry will be able to use the 2-way mirrors to contact Sirius somehow...eventually Harry will have to confront Voldemort, but Voldemort WILL be defeated. I'm hoping Umbridge gets eaten by the qiant squid, and Harry becomes Hogwarts headmaster in the epilogue.
Thoughts in the comments, and let us know if you've done yours too.
Phoenix Tears Scarf
So to amuse myself in the meantime I made the Phoenix Tears Scarf from Charmed Knits.

I just put the final details (the beads representing the tears) on it today. Details on the yarns can be found here.
Should we be worrying now?
OotP *spoilers*
*highlight below with your mouse to read what is written*
I wish they hadn’t eliminated so much of the verbal banter between Dumbledore and Voldemort. I think it showed a certain respect between the two, an acknowledgement of eachother’s power.
I love how they started eliminating Neville’s comic props. He said in an interview that he wore too big shoes to get the clumsy walk and ear wedges to push his ears out and it seems like they got rid of them and gave him a chance to prove his ability as a serious actor.
I would have liked to see a bit more anger from Harry. He really hit it perfectly in Dumbledore’s office after the snake attack, but everywhere else it was sort of lukewarm.
I loved how they took the sound out after Sirius died and just put music and quiet sobbing. It made the scene so much more emotional.
Did anyone else notice that manic grin on Harry’s face when Voldemort is whispering for him to kill Bellatrix? It’s only there for a few seconds but it is EVIL and very cool.
I also liked how Dan Radcliff did a subtle imitation of Voldemort throughout the movie. If you watch, when he gets those twitches, it’s the same motions as Voldemort makes at the train station when he’s in the suit, face to the side, neck stretched out.
How freaking awesome was the possession!!! Without a doubt my favorite part of the movie. And it goes right along with a theory that I have about how Dumbledore stresses to Harry that his love is his greatest strength. I honestly think that he’ll have to pity Voldemort before he can destroy him.
A&E Hp show
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Movies, Contests, and What-Not
Also, the winner of the "Who's Your Favorite Character" contest will be posted by tomorrow night. So keep your eyes open, there were lots of great answers!
As for What-Not, well, I can't think of any... except- Good Job OotP filmmakers. I don't have time to go into it now (and I didn't write "Spoiler" in my title ;-0 ), but I was pleased. And with that being my favorite book, I had high expectations. In our poll (oh- yes!- there's a new poll- don't forget to vote- turn out last time was faaaabulous) I even picked that "Exceeds Expectations." I don't know if I could ever give an HP film "Outstanding" unless they could make it six hours long, and fit in almost every character. An HP miniseries perhaps... it's an idea...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Midnight Movie Release
So very tired. I decided to go with the insane decision and bought a ticket to the midnight showing (12:02 actually) of OotP.
Now I won't give away anything about the movie, I know people want to see it and judge for themselves.
But it was good.
Now if you'll excuse me, as I'm at work I'm going to curl up under my desk for a little nap. Could you get the phones for me?
Monday, July 9, 2007
Is the movie a Tuesday release?
First Slytherin Sock Slides Off The Needles!

Sunday, July 8, 2007
By the way my favorite book is POA but I really liked GOF too. I love them all. My blog is I know its a mouth full. Also Hermionie is my favorite character.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
FO's for Slytherin

Contest Three- Bring on the Opinions!
I'm heading out of town for the weekend (if curious, check here), but thought I'd leave the KAL with another little contest.
This one should be fairly simple if you a)have an opinion about the books and b)might like some free yarn in exchange for said opinion ;-).
So: Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series, outside of Harry, Ron, and Hermione? Send me two or three lines about who it is and why and Head of House Ann and I will pick a winner.
Email me (Em) at no later than Monday, 7.09.07, at 10:00pm (when I get home and, coincidentally, the day before the OotP opens- hooray!).
A grand weekend to you all!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Potter Back Story
How/When/Why did you start reading Harry Potter?
I, I am almost embarrassed to admit, was vehemently against reading the books. I had no interest. I didn’t want to sit around and read children’s books. I had other things to do. My friend, a rabid Potter fan, took me to see the movie and I was still unmoved. The movie was cute, yes, and I did buy it on DVD, but I still wasn’t feeling the need to read the books.
It wasn’t until 2002 when I enrolled in some courses at the community college that I read the first book. It was part of the Fiction 115 class. I was hooked. I finished the first book, got into my car and drove straight to the store to buy the rest of them. I resisted buying Goblet of Fire, as it would be out in paperback when I finished all my classes, so I decided that it would be my present. I've been hooked ever since.
So what’s your Potter back story?
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
HufflePuff Scarf

I have a lot of yarn left over to make a head band or hair scrunchies. Or fringe.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Copy Cat

He took me about 3 hours to knit, seam and finish up. I used safety eyes and embroidered his little nose on.
The yarn I used is Sensations Angel Hair. It wasn't furzy enough for me, so I used my hairbrush to floof it up. I ended up having to trim the hair off around the face though, his poor eyes got lost in all the fur.
Next up... Nagini!
Howdy :)
My name is Libby (*Hi Libby!*) and I blog at Derby and String....brought to you from sunny (at least today) Bothell, Washington.
My son (MHP, he's 7) and I are BIG Poter fans. MHP has been reading the 3rd book as of late (it takes him a bit longer because he likes to illustrate every chapter in his notebooks) and I'm re-reading The Order of the Phoenix (my fave book by far) for the 5th time.
I don't really have a favorite movie, unfortunately...I'm not a fan of translating books to movies, as I feel that a lot of the excitement and magic is lost. I'm a dork like that. If I had to choose though, I would say Prisoner of Azkaban because I *heart* Gary Oldman. (And to tell the honest truth, I own all 4 DVDs, bought the special editions when they were available, and they're my go-to movies when I can't figure out what to watch.)
Anyhoo...I've started a basic House hat and scarf for the book Slytherin colours to match my Draco Malfoy teeshirt. :) But I'm not really evil. I promise.
Poll One Results!
Severus Snape, at 16 votes, earned 40%,
Bellatrix Lestrange was runner up at 10 votes, with 25%,
Lucius Malfoy made a strong comeback at 6 votes for 15%,
"A brand new character" started off strong, but fell behind to finish with 4 votes, at 10%,
and Draco Malfoy and Fenrir Greyback tied with 2 votes apiece, at 5% each.
Any reasons why? Any discussion about this? I was torn between Snape and "a brand new character" (with RAB, perhaps Regulus Black, in mind), but after Half-Blood Prince's ending, I had to go with Snape. Anyone else still undecided or feel very strongly about a particular character? I was especially surprised by a) Draco Malfoy's poor turn-out and b) the strong response to his father. Should I have listed Narcissa Malfoy, too, I wonder?
Thanks for participating- with 40 votes it was nice to see so many of the KAL are still with us!
Check out our new poll too!
There's another contest question going up today or tomorrow- I would especially advise all Huffles to keep their eyes open... ;-)
Sunday, July 1, 2007

Yarn: Crystal Palace Whisper
Pattern: Knitted Kitty
Started: June 4, 2007
Finished: July 1, 2007
I still may put some button eyes and a nose on him, but I haven't decided about that yet.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Winner! And Thoughts on H-B P
Another question, perhaps a little easier, will be coming this week. Stay tuned...
I had a few thoughts after re-reading Half-Blood Prince.
1. Is Dumbledore setting up his own death? I was just a tad-bit hysterical at finishing H-B P and found a LOT of comfort in the website Dumbledore Is Not Dead (now called "Beyond Hogwarts") when the book was first released. Even after J.K. assured us all he IS dead, I've gone back to that site to remind myself that maybe Snape isn't, oh, I don't know, the scum of the earth and there is some crucial reason to Dumbledore's death.
I realize, Dumbledore had to go, he was the last adult protecting Harry from his inevitable final meeting with Voldemort. There's no one left in Harry's life who he might look to for guidance; I get it, Dumbledore couldn't be in the seventh book (though maybe, just maybe, he is... just maybe).
But did Dumbledore mean to die? On my last reading, H-B P seemed littered with signs he was putting all the pieces into place, giving Harry all the necessary tools for Harry and the Order to carry on after he was gone. (Of course, now I can't find any of them easily, but they're there, I swear it! ;-)
2. Is there a chance the final showdown, we'll call it, between Harry and Voldemort happens at Hogwarts and not Godric's Hollow? Or that Hogwarts will play a bigger role than any of us, or I, at least, expected? In "Lord Voldemort's Request", Dumbledore says,
"'Voldemort was, I believe, more attached to this school than he ever has been to a person. Hogwarts was where he had been happiest; the first and only place he had felt at home.'
Harry felt slightly uncomfortable at these words, for this was exactly how he felt about Hogwarts too.
'Secondly, the castle is a stronghold of ancient magic... he [Voldemort] may have felt that there were mysteries still to be penetrated.'" ( H-B P American edition, p 431)
I can't help but think that, even though Harry won't be going back to school, he will end up back at Hogwarts in Book 7.
3. Even if, and I really hope this is true, Snape IS on the side of the Order, is he a "good guy"? I have some sympathy for him after what J.K. revealed of his youth in OotP, but I can't bring myself to like him even a little. Yes, I love Alan Rickman, and it's hard to hate him in the movie, but when I read OotP and H-B P, I'm reminded of what a small, petty, nasty character Snape is, not only to Harry, but to almost everyone- Neville, Hermione, Ron. Can all that cruelty be part of his double-agent role?
Just some questions/concerns/comments. Getting to the end of Book 6 suddenly made the release of Deathly Hollows seem so much more crucial and, therefore, so much farther away. When will the 21st of July get here?!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Part 4: A New Man

"Yeah... it's silly, but I've always liked that idea. Making arrangements and creating beautiful things that make other people happy."

"I just can't get over how different you are than I expected. You're really... you're a whole different man. Here..."

"I... I don't know what to say. Except..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Gullible twit..."

"Now then... I know I saw it in here somewhere..."

And They All Lived Happily Ever After
The End
*Quote taken from HBP, US edition pgs 55-56
I'm 100% positive that they're fake, but if you want to avoid it all together DON'T read the comments attached to the article. Someone went and read it and then told everything that was in it, in a "This is what it said, don't believe any of it" kinda way.
Just a heads up.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Harold The Purple Pygmy Puff

I just love him to death! He is soft and fluffy and just plain cute! I used Mandy's Pygmy Puff pattern and he turned out wonderfully.
I am once again rereading the first Harry book. It is by far my favorite book. I love discovering the magic in Harry's point of view. This is the fourth time this summer that I am rereading this book. I want to read it seven times.
The first two KALers to email me a correct answer at will win!
Please only email me if you're currently a member of this blog. In your email, besides your clever answer, include how you're listed on the sidebar so I can link your name on the winners' post.
We've watched Harry, in these last six books, grow more rebellious and more defiant of authority. Can you tell us every book in which Harry has received detention, from any teacher, in his first week of school? Include in your answer: 1) which book, 2) the teacher who gave the detention and 3) the length of the punishment (one detention, two detentions, etc).
Any questions?
Winners and the correct answer will be posted tomorrow, Friday, evening or first thing Saturday morning.
And I'll be shopping tomorrow for some extra-Harry prizes... ;-)
Good luck!
Controversial topic
Today at work another mom and I started discussing JK Rawlings. Strangely enough J.K. attends the same church that C.S. Lewis did. When he did his writings many Christians didn't read his books because of magical creatures. Also when a reporter asked J.K. what her views where on being a Christian. J.K.'s response was if "I answered than I would be giving out the ending of my book". I already knew about the connection between a mother's love and Christ's love and good vs. evil. But now I am really curious. Just some thoughts.
Monday, June 18, 2007
House Afghan Progress

Onto Gryffindor, then Ravenclaw, then the hard work begins--assembly and the border :)
Here's the whole story(if you're interested).
Happy knitting and reading!